Potrzebuję waszej pomocy. A mianowicie, chciałabym zmienić nagłówek bloga. Myślę nad jakimś jasnym przejrzystym logo, może zdjęcie, duży napis... Czy ktoś z Was mogłyby mi pomóc w obróbce itp. ? Bardzo proszę ;)
/Translate/ I need your help. I wanna change my blog header. I'm thinking about sth light/white, maybe with a photo... Could any of youhelp me with thetreatment, etc.?Please;)
I update every day, several times a day. I combine my biggest passions which are fashion and photography but I also blog about my everyday life, travels, music, beauty and inspirations - anything that happends around me. All of the photos are taken by me.
I love this photo it's really beautiful.
ReplyDeleteUwielbiam białą kolorystykę na Twoim blogu <3
ReplyDeleteJa bym go zostawiła takim, jakim jest. :)